We attended our first convocation on Thursday night and it was a gala affair. The valedictorian for one of the sessions (in picture with me) is a pediatrician from Tobago, and actually a former CIBC employee. She worked at the Bank in both Tobago and Toronto (while studying at the U of T). Another of our volunteers from Winnipeg (pictured with her husband), still works for the Bank as a part-time CSR, when she is not volunteering here. The husband is a retired teacher. So we had a CIBC reunion. The group picture is of some of the female volunteers. Our dining room food caterers really outdo themselves for the convocation nights. In fact I enjoy their offerings every night.
One of the sessions (29 participants) was sponsored by a Canadian couple who also happen to be former volunteers. This was the first time Canadians have sponsored a whole session, so that also was quite a celebration. The Canadian development officer was here for the event and he is from Stouffville, Ontario so Marlene and I had some help representing Ontario. His boss was also here from Atlanta, GA (a former NHL hockey player, who grew up in Leamington but married a USA lady while playing for the Los Angeles Kings).
Our weather h
as improved dramatically over the past two days and it is very nice around the pool and at the beach. We will soon be complaining about the heat. The foliage, etc is quite green because of the recent rainfall.
This weekend is changeover in that we are departing the ladies session that just ended and greeting a men's session which starts tomorrow. In addition there is a special "leadership session" for future faculty members. Another men's session will arrive next weekend. So it is a busy time for the housekeeping volunteers.
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