Tuesday, November 22, 2005

International Praise Night

Another interesting night last night when each region presents a worship presentation, either in song, dance, or a combination. As usual, the Africans stole the show. They are the ones in the picture in the more colourful clothes. The evening started with a wonderful poolside dinner, especially when the caterer try to outdo their previous best.

Marlene and I lingered at dinner with two participants, one from Malaysia, the other from Jordan, both of them pastors. Their course will end this Thursday with convocation. I asked what was the highlight or surprise of the four weeks study here in Maui. Their answers were quite different, but I thought very revealing.

The pastor from Malaysia said he was surprised by the "vision" of the Haggai Institute. Notwithstanding all he had read and learned, he was really impressed by what the Haggai program is doing in the world to further evangelism.

The pastor from Jordan was equally surprised by how much his "perspective of the Christian community had widened", because of his exposure to participants from 34 different coutries. When you consider and think of his situation, pastoring a church in an Arab country, it sure makes sense. This fellow is very well spoken and he is also very defensive of the US involvement in Iraq. His position is one that is challenged by many of his classmates.

Dr Aldo, the VP of Program & Development had some witty comments to close out our evening. He complained that he believes the Africans only have four words in their songs, plus they are 7-11 music worshipers, seven songs which they repeat eleven times.


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